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Thursday, September 23, 2010

function in ajmer (khwaza garib nawaz) :::: majar e sufi in india

Every-day no where in the world at any Astana such a large number of functions and ceremonies is performed as at the Holy Astana of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz and that too, in a highly traditional way and strictly in accordance with the Chishtia precepts.
These spiritual programmes are the source of earning, the blessings, pleasure and confidence of the Holy Saint and have proved beneficial for attainment of high spiritual ecstasy and bliss.
Though these functions are performed by Khadims, yet, they have been attended by devotees for their own benefit. Therefore, devotees in large number attend these functions and receive the blessings of the Holy Khwaja and feel enlightened.
If these functions are attended with piety and devotion all the prayers which are made at those timings are sure to be granted.
The detailed description of these functions is given below.
The daily functions and ceremonies which are observed round the clock with great punctually of time begin from early in the morning and continue till late in the evening, are as under :

About an hour before the 'Salat' of Fajar, Khadims of Khwaja Sahib gather in Begami Dalan with great respect & devotion. This Dalan is towards the East of the tomb and in this Dalan is the main entrance of the Mazar. At the fixed appropriate time all the Khadims stand near the 'Door' entrance. The devotees also follow them and stand with them in a highly honoured manner. One of the Khadims recites 'AZAN', As soon as the Azan ends, the Kalid Bardar opens the lock and then the door. Through this entrance the Khadis enter into the tomb and stand in between the main entrance and a small door which is still closed. Before opening this small door the Kalid Bardar sends Darood and Salam to the Holy Prophet and his descendants and to Huzoor Gharib Nawaz. After this the small door is opended and Khadims enter into the tomb.
After entering into the tomb, they make themselves ready for 'Khidmat'. Some of the stand round the first enceinte of the azar (Grave) some enter in between the space of two enceintes and some enter in between the space of the Holy Mazar and the second enceinte. Now, they remove the flowers and chadar from Mazar, clean the Mazar and its surroundings, offer new chadar and fresh flowers. As soon as this particular ceremony ends, the Khadims standing in between the two ancients and outside the second enceinte start cleaning the floor with 'Farasha' (it is an special dust remover made of Peacock feathers).
During this ceremony devotees are not permitted to enter the tomb. For them the southern door of the tomb is opened from where they are allowed to enter into the tomb and sit silently in the open space near the tomb of Hazrat Bibi Hafiza Jamal daughter of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz.  
When the Khadims finish with the ceremony of Khidmat inside the tomb, then only the devotees are allowed to enter into to the tomb and perform Ziarat of the Mazaar.
This ceremony ends before the call of Azaan for Salat of Fajar. This time is important for offering prayers. Prayers made at this time are sure to be granted.

Daily after an hour of Zohar prayer generally at 3 P.M. another ceremony which is also known as Khidmat is performed. At this time, though the doors of the tomb are closed, yet, the southern door, though apparently remains closed, is used for entrance into the tomb.
At the time of this ceremony, devotees are permitted to enter the tomb, they are allowed to keep standing silently in between the space of the walls of the tomb and the enceinte of the Mazar.
At this time in presence of the devotees, after removal of the already presented flowers, chadar, sandal. Atar, Kewara and rose water is presented on the Holy grave.
Khadims who perform this ceremony offer prayers loudly for devotes, after the end of prayers fresh flowers are presented on the Mazar, if needed, the chadar is also changed, After that the floor of the tomb is cleaned in the traditional way.
Ladies are not permitted to enter the tomb during the entire period of this ceremony.


Every day about 20 minutes before Maghrib prayer the ceremony of lighting is held. The way in which this ceremony is performed is that some Khadis bring candles (specially prepared for this purpose) in their hands fro a Hujra (cell or room) near Choti Deg. As soon as from Choti Deg they start moving towards the Holy Tomb drums are beaten.
All the people present in Dargah premises start gathering inside the tomb, those who can not enter the tomb stand outside on either side of the main-entrance in the Begami Dalan.
At this time too, ladies are not permitted to enter into the tomb.
Khadims after touching the candles with the heads of the devotees who keep standing on either side of the way reach inside the tombs with prayers of blessing for devotees on their lips. They place those candles in the lamps. The unlighted candles are now lighted. The lamps in which the candles are placed are four in number.
The Khadims hold those lamps in their hands and keep them above their heads. One of them recite some Persian verses in the glory of the Holy Saint. With the end of those verses the people dispurse and the lamps are placed in four corners of the Holy Tomb.
In the local language this ceremony is called 'Danka'.
This last ceremony of the day is popularly known as 'Kadka' and is performed in highly significant and traditional way. This is held after about 1 ½ hour of Isha prayer. After this ceremony the door of the main entrance into the Holy tomb is closed and locked.
According to the old tradition, about 20 minutes before closing the main entrance of the Holy Tomb, at a time when about one fifth part of the night had passed, a person loudly calls to ring five and with his voice the clock sounds five times. The Khadims ready to perform this function request the devotees to vacate the tomb, the devotees come out of the tomb and stand on either side of the entrance in a queue. The Khadims then close the other doors from inside and make a search inside the entire tomb to see that there is now no one inside the tomb. After that they start their usual service, at least three Khadis join in this service. They clean the surroundings of the azar in the same way as they do in the morning and evening Khidmat. They come out of the tomb one by one with the sand and dust of the floor kept in a fine cloth and keep the same in a shelf inside Sandal-Masjid.   
When the third and the last Khadim comes out, a person duly appointed, again calls in a loud voice to ring six bells. The bell sounds six times. As soon as the voice of the sixth bell sounds, the Qawal, who stands there ready, start to sing a special song in some old Indian language which is called Kadka. As soon as the last verse of the Kadka is recited, the main entrance of the tomb is closed and locked. The Khadim on duty keeps the key with him and also keeps a watch round the tomb throughout the night.

It’s a complete recital of the Holy Quran which takes place
  every day at Jama Masjid and Alamgir Masjid.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEEKLY FUNCTION
On every Thursday after Isha prayer Mehfil-e-Jumerat is organised inside Ahata-e-Noor opposite Begami Dalan. This program starts with 'Zikr' proceeded with Qawali and ends with Fateha. People in large number attend this programme. This programme continues till the main entrance of the tomb is closed.
On every sixth of Lunar Month the famous and highly inspiring programmes of Fateha Chhatti Sharif is celebrated within Ahata-e-Noor in front of Begami Dalan. This was founded by the ancestors of Syed Akhtar Moini and Syed Khalid Moini Khadi of Khwaja Sahib. It has become very popular. Those who attend this function realise its solemnity and sanctity and also the benefit which they receive. This program which has its own blessings starts from about 8.30 A.M. in the morning and continues about an hour without any programme of Qawali.
The programme beings with recitation of Quran proceeded with recitation of Shijra (spiritual genealogy of Khwaja Saheb) and then with 'SALAM' and ends with Fateha.
Syed Khalid Moini or his younger brother Syed Tariq Moini recites the Shijra and Salam in a highly impressive voice.
In the evening in every home of the Khadims this Fateha is organised and prayers are offered for the well being of the devotees.
On every 11th of the Lunar Month the famous programme, popularly known as Fateha Giarahween Sharif is held. This programme is observed in the home of every Khadim as well as at the Chilla of Piran-e-Piron a Hilly towards south of Dargah Khwaja Saheb.
On every 14th of Islamic month Fateha of Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar-kaki, the first spiritual successor, of Khwaja Sahib whose holy Tombi sat Mahroli-Delhi, is performed between Asar and Maghrib prayer at his own Chilla which is situated at the bank of Ana-Sagar Lake.
Throughout the year, several religious, spiritual and historical programmes are organised and observed at the Holy Astana of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz at a large and magnificent scale. These programmes are performed in accordance with Islamic Calendar and are detailed below :
According to the Islamic Calendar the new year commences from 1st of Moharram. This month is known as Moharra-ul-Haram but the new year day is not celebrated in a customary…………………..
On 14th of this month, the Annual Us of Hazrat Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki, first spiritual successor of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz is celebrated at his Chilla situated at Daulat Bagh near Ana agar Lake. Fateha is offered in every home of Khadims.
In this month the only programme which is known as 'Fateha Giarahwin Sharif' is observed on 11th day of the month. Lectures on life and teachings of Hazrat Ghonsul Azam Piran-e-Pir are delivered and tributes are paid to him.
The death anniversary of Amirul Momeneen Hazrat Syedna AbuBakr siddique, the first successor of the Holy Prophet of Islamic observed at a large scale. Lectures are delivered on his services and sacrifices which he rendered for making the foundation of Islam more and more strong.
Urns of Hazrat Shah Mada is also celebrated on 14th of this month from 25th of this month begins the celebrations of the Annual Urs of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz.
Urs of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz is celebrated from
1st Rajab to 9th Rajab.
The annual Urs of Hazrat KhwajaHusauddin the grand son of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz is celebrated on 14th of this month by Khadims of Khwaja Sahib at Saber where his Dargah is situated (a place about 90 K.M. from Ajmer).
The annul Urs of Hazrat Bibi Hafiza Jamal, the daughter of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz is celebrated on 19th of this month.
The annual Urs of Hazrat Khwaja Fakhruddin Gurdezi, the ancestor of Syedzada Khadis, who is lying buried near Khwaja Sahibis Begami Dalanonthe right side of the main entrance of the tomb is celebrated on 25th of this month.
d. MIRAJ-UN-NABI (Sal Allaho Alaiyhe Wa Sallam):
On 26th of this month after Isha prayers, a grand function in memory of the greatest event of human history, the 'Miraj is held. Lectures are delivered and after lectures all the people keep themselves busy in prayer throughout the night.
Hazrat Khwaja Fakhruddin is the eldest son of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz. He spend his life in prayers and mediation at village 'Sarwar' about 60 k.m. from Ajmer and breathed his last in the same village.
His annual Urs is celebrated from 3rd to 9th Shaban.
The Khadims of Hazrat Khwaja Sahib celebrate this Urs at his tomb at Sarwar, all the ceremonies of Urs including 'langar' are organised by Anjuman Moinia Fakhria Chistia Khudam Khwaja Sahib Syed Zadgan.
The function of Shab-e-Barat is observed in the purely religious tradition as it is observed by the entire Muslim world.
The sacred month of Ramzan has its own blessings. Muslim all over the world observe fast, become strict in performance of prayers and devote most of the time in recitation of the Quran and in additional prayers. They also perform acts like payment of charity, feeding of poor and giving of alms.
No doubt that every Muslim knows the religious importance of this month, but the Muslim world is not aware of the most important events of Islamic History which took place during this Holy month, as such except at Ajmer no where the functions in memory of those events are held.
The details and importance of those functions is given here.
a. 2nd OF RAMZAN
The annual anniversary of Khatoon-e-Jannat Hazrat Bibi Fateha the youngest daughter of the Prophet of Islam and the mother of Hazrat Imam Hasan and Hazrat Imam Husain is observed at the Holy Astana of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz in a highly dignified way. Lectures are also delivered on her high spiritual status and her sacrifices for Islam.
17th Ramzan is the most memorable day of Islamic History. It is the day when the first war between the Islamic forces who were in small number, was fought against the large and a strong army of the 'infidels of Makka. It was the first battle of Righteous under the leadership of the Prophet of Islam against the infidels in which the Rightous came out victorious in a highly miraculous way.

In memory, of the first war of its kind ever fought on this earth for establishment of justice, truth and righteousness by Muslims against the strong and well armed forces of wrong doers, cruel and barbarous people, who could not think of defeat, but faced a shameful defeat at the hands of armless people is celebrated at the Dargah of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz on a large scale. Lectures are delivered and prayers are offered throughout the night. The author himself delivers lectures on this great Historical event in Juma Masjid after Isha prayer every year.
In the Holy of Ramzan, the 19th day highly memorable day of the Islamic History. This is the day when Islamic forces conquered Makka, Where therein is the House of Allah, without any blood shed. This conquest resulted into the conquest of the heart and soul of the people of Arabia. It made easy for the people of Arabia to understand the truth of Islam. They all without any force, far or compulsion, accepted Islam and became the leader of all the Nations of the world.
The conquest of Makka made the foundation of Islam very strong and opened the door of thousands of other types of victories.

This conquest also brought a evolution in human moral and conduct and conquest other human virtues.
Therefore, in memory of this illustrious and distinguished vent many programmes are organised at the Dargah of Ajmer at a large scale.
21st of Ramzan reminds of the Martyrdom of Amirul Momeneen Syedna Hazrat Ali Karam Allahwajho. Therefore, in his memory a large number of Programme including 'free langer' to poor are organised. Lectures are delivered on his love for Islam, his services and sacrifices, his inspiring and illuminating life, his spiritual and temporal status and, like that, tributes are paid to that great personality of Islam.
26th day of Ramzan and the night thereafter is the most important night. Its blessings are beyond description, it is the night when the Quran was revealed, as such, it is celebrated all over the world by the Muslims. Throughout the night, the Muslims keep themselves busy in recitation of the Quran and other modes of prayer and worship.
This night is celebrated here at Ajmer in the same manner in which the entire Muslim world celebrates it.
7. SHAWWAL : ANNUAL URS OF HAZRAT KHWAJA USMAN  HAROON THE SPIRITUAL LEADER OF KHWAJA SAHIBThe spiritual ceremonies of this function are organised on 5th and 6thof Shawal.
People from far and near attend the programmes and obtain those special bounties and blessings of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz which are bestowed upon devotees during those days.
The annual Urs of the son of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz is celebrated on 4th day of the month of Sai Ghat near his tomb in Dargah Sharif.
Amirual Momenn Syedna Hazrat Usman was the third successor of the Prophet of Islam. 18th Zil Hijja is observed as the da of his Martyrdom and tributes are paid to him.
Lectures are delivered on his contribution to Islam and Muslims on his spiritual status, on his life and on the services he rendered.
This day reminds us of the great services and sacrifices of that soldier of Islam who in history is known as the conqueror of Egypt, Conqueror of Syria, Conqueror of Iran and above all the Conqueror of Jeru-salem (Baitul Muqaddas) and whose name is Ameerul Momeneen Syedna Hazrat Qmar Farook Radhi Alla Anho. He was the 2nd Successor of the Prophet of Islam. He has rendered such invaluable services which have no parallel in Islamic History.
29th Zil Hijja is the day of his Martyrdom and is observed here at Ajmer on a large scale.